Day: September 14, 2023

A rainy day

Well it is so wet today, literally raining cats and dogs! Nevaeh spent the first part of the day in the classroom doing Go Noodle. We are trailing her speech board and using her ‘Go Talk’ communication device.

There was Rock- a- bye Bear with the Wiggles, Greedy Cat from You Tube and lots of looking in the mirror. Nevaeh has been playing with her plait, lifting it up in her hand and placing in over her face. Our other success is that Nevaeh is lifting her left hand independently of her right. She started this when playing the keyboard, it was noticed again last week at RDA where she placed her left hand on the front of the saddle, and then today she was watching herself in the mirror and lifted her arm up to see.

Needless to say that when we went to record that auspicious moment Nevaeh wouldn’t repeat the action. Oh well, next time.


We are having success today using the talk board and “Go Talk” communication device. Using the device Nevaeh asked to go to the classroom. Yay!! We are making links between the pictures and Nevaeh communicating her needs. Awesome effort Nevaeh. While this is only a trail we will keep challenging Nevaeh to use her voice and express her needs and desires.