Tag: Korfball

Another Winter’s Day

Brrr…. it is cool.  After greetings in the classroom Nevaeh went to dance in the sensory room. But uh, oh! The speaker was flat! There was audible frustration that sound was only coming from the phone.


After using the weighted blanket, she acquired this herself and sat still for 10 minutes before scooting to the door taking it with her, to sooth herself  she was content to do her physio. You are a clever girl Nevaeh, recognising items in the room that help you calm.

Follow this link to see Nevaeh in action.


Today there was no RDA. It was too cold and damp. So after a trip in the car Nevaeh came back to school and joined in the Korfball fun.

She loves Torston’s boom box! While others were eating Nevaeh went straight to the seat where it was sitting, she eyed it and wanted Jackie and I to turn it on for her. Torston likes songs with a strong beat and this appealed to Nevaeh. Once on Nevaeh closely monitored the blue tooth symbol.

All and all it was a good day in Nevaeh’s world, thank you for sharing with me.