Month: September 2023

Harold Visited!

Nevaeh had a super exciting visit with her class to see Harold. Kelly, Harold’s teacher, left the star lights on for us today. It was super calm and Nevaeh lasted the whole sessioin with out headphones, or music. It is great to see Nevaeh participating with her class in school curriculum without adaptation. At the end of the session Nevaeh got a special pat with Harold, and Harold got a pinch on the nose .


Marilyn, Jackie and Nevaeh had a wonderful music session. Nevaeh was playing tunes independently with Marilyn’ guidance as to where to start. Your musical ability is boundless Nevaeh. We will need to ask Jackie if she has a video we can post to show off how clever you are.


On Wednesday Jackie, Sam and Nevaeh went to the library. Nevaeh got the opportunity to listen to stories in a different environment. It is great that Nevaeh is showing us how adaptable she, travelling to familiar places with different people, and familiar people taking her to different spaces.

When Andy asked Nevaeh if she wanted to go to the library on Tuesday Nevaeh used her Go Talk to answer no. It was a very purposeful ‘no’ because she had to search for the symbol on the Go Talk pad.

You surprise us every day Nevaeh with the wonderful things that you can show us you understand.

A rainy day

Well it is so wet today, literally raining cats and dogs! Nevaeh spent the first part of the day in the classroom doing Go Noodle. We are trailing her speech board and using her ‘Go Talk’ communication device.

There was Rock- a- bye Bear with the Wiggles, Greedy Cat from You Tube and lots of looking in the mirror. Nevaeh has been playing with her plait, lifting it up in her hand and placing in over her face. Our other success is that Nevaeh is lifting her left hand independently of her right. She started this when playing the keyboard, it was noticed again last week at RDA where she placed her left hand on the front of the saddle, and then today she was watching herself in the mirror and lifted her arm up to see.

Needless to say that when we went to record that auspicious moment Nevaeh wouldn’t repeat the action. Oh well, next time.


We are having success today using the talk board and “Go Talk” communication device. Using the device Nevaeh asked to go to the classroom. Yay!! We are making links between the pictures and Nevaeh communicating her needs. Awesome effort Nevaeh. While this is only a trail we will keep challenging Nevaeh to use her voice and express her needs and desires.

Music with Marilyn

Tinkle, tinkle, plonk, plonk! Nevaeh is getting so much out of her music session with Marilyn. In these lesson we can observe Nevaeh developing her fine motor skills. She is able to independently use finger one and two on her right hand with increasing accuracy. The left hand is being used intermittently and there is careful observation and increasing awareness of her hands on both sides of her body.




We are seeing this at RDA too. Nevaeh at times is holding the front of the saddle as she rides, this makes her side walker feel more relaxed. She is also clutching objects that catch her interest, the stars, planets and little yellow ducks in the water. Bobby was chatting to her about what she was looking at. Nevaeh would bring the object close to her helmet and then gradually lengthen her focus. When she was bored she tossed the object.


Sam came to visit on Wednesday and Nevaeh went shopping. Sam purchased a bag of lollies at the supermarket for Nevaeh to share with the staff. Nevaeh then bought them back and put them in a bowl, and the on to the table in the staffroom with Olivia’s help. Nevaeh was really engaged in this process and enjoyed the experience.


Nevaeh has enjoyed her music lessons and we have put a keyboard into the break out room for her. She is enjoying practising the skills she is learning with Marilyn. We have noticed her engaging her left hand more in these activities.

Go Noodle is a such a favourite and it is great to see Nevaeh joining in a whole class activity. Mum got to watch throught the window today. It is cool to see Nevaeh enjoying herself in a group situation.