Tag: Relationships

Music session with Marilyn

As well as practising our concert pieces Nevaeh joined in a duet with Marilyn. She showed a great deal of interest in the sound coming from the guitar, then joined in on the piano. I loved the way you are hitting the key accurately playing one note at at time, it is beautiful to see. There was lots on single note sounds today, some guided by Marilyn but others you have done yourself.  Your have such lovely pressure when you play, the notes are clear and you are using a  gentle touch on the keyboard to get the sound out.

Wow you are awesome

Today was a different kind of Thursday. Soon we were lining up outside Kereru, what was going to happen? As we entered Nevaeh could see the class had been transformed! As soon as the music started the ear protection came off. What a blast! Kokatahi had joined us for a perfomance of the ‘The Grumpiest Child in the World’. Nevaeh was transported into a whole new world for an hour. She sat for the entire performance, tapping her feet, laughing at the jokes, roaring like a lion.

IMG_9808    Video Link

It was  lovely to see her engaging in the performance for an extended amount of time and being part of the wider school community. You are awesome and it was lovely to see you engaged and truely enjoying yourself Nevaeh.

Then after a very quick break it was off to RDA. It seems like since forever since you have seen Lucy. However you remembered all your riding skills. After a walk around the arena getting up close and personal with a small rubber duckie, it was off to Prossers Bush. A quick canter across the grass haad a big smile on your face and you were in your happy place.  Being under the trees was a great way to avoid the rain shower that came just as we were entering the bush. Ollie was in the lead and we foolwed with others behind him. We meet a dog walker on the track and had to keep our feet in as some of the gaps between the trees were quite narrow.

On arrival back at school Nevaeh wanted to find the performers again. She went back to Piwakawaka, walking through the classroom and then went back to Kereru just to make sure our visitors were not there. You have a great memory Nevaeh.

Thank you for sharing your day with me Nevaeh, I had a blast!



Sam came to visit on Wednesday and Nevaeh went shopping. Sam purchased a bag of lollies at the supermarket for Nevaeh to share with the staff. Nevaeh then bought them back and put them in a bowl, and the on to the table in the staffroom with Olivia’s help. Nevaeh was really engaged in this process and enjoyed the experience.


Nevaeh has enjoyed her music lessons and we have put a keyboard into the break out room for her. She is enjoying practising the skills she is learning with Marilyn. We have noticed her engaging her left hand more in these activities.

Go Noodle is a such a favourite and it is great to see Nevaeh joining in a whole class activity. Mum got to watch throught the window today. It is cool to see Nevaeh enjoying herself in a group situation.                                                                                                                                              

Busy days

Last week Nevaeh completed her poetry activity with Olivia. She held her crayon and put pressure on the page to complete this wonderful art.

Nevaeh loves poetry, the rhythm and rhyme are great ways for her absorb new language.

Nevaeh is also working on sorting according to colour and developing fine motor skills with the posting activity that the OT has left for us at school. Her aides extend this sorting activity by counting the coins that Nevaeh successfully posts.

Nevaeh was funny today, she raced back to class on the way to music. Once she got in the door she as happy to Marilyn.  Toward the end of our time Nevaeh lead us in a ‘jam’ session . Marilyn played guitar, Mrs Hickford on the drum and Nevaeh starred on the keyboard.

Check out the link IMG_8780

Working with others

Nevaeh is enjoying reading books in the class library with her friend, listening to stories with her brother and play with your favourite classroom toys that you have gotten from the lego box. You look like you are enjoying sitting in the sun. It is great to see you joining your classmates in activities in the classroom Nevaeh. and it excellent to see your peers enjoying spending time with you.Ka pai.