Year: 2023

Music with Marilyn

Tinkle, tinkle, plonk, plonk! Nevaeh is getting so much out of her music session with Marilyn. In these lesson we can observe Nevaeh developing her fine motor skills. She is able to independently use finger one and two on her right hand with increasing accuracy. The left hand is being used intermittently and there is careful observation and increasing awareness of her hands on both sides of her body.




We are seeing this at RDA too. Nevaeh at times is holding the front of the saddle as she rides, this makes her side walker feel more relaxed. She is also clutching objects that catch her interest, the stars, planets and little yellow ducks in the water. Bobby was chatting to her about what she was looking at. Nevaeh would bring the object close to her helmet and then gradually lengthen her focus. When she was bored she tossed the object.


Sam came to visit on Wednesday and Nevaeh went shopping. Sam purchased a bag of lollies at the supermarket for Nevaeh to share with the staff. Nevaeh then bought them back and put them in a bowl, and the on to the table in the staffroom with Olivia’s help. Nevaeh was really engaged in this process and enjoyed the experience.


Nevaeh has enjoyed her music lessons and we have put a keyboard into the break out room for her. She is enjoying practising the skills she is learning with Marilyn. We have noticed her engaging her left hand more in these activities.

Go Noodle is a such a favourite and it is great to see Nevaeh joining in a whole class activity. Mum got to watch throught the window today. It is cool to see Nevaeh enjoying herself in a group situation.                                                                                                                                              

Fun day Thursday

Lots of changes today but Nevaeh coped well, firstly there was a surprise to see Olivia today. After our roll and Go-Noodle in class there was some counting and then we went off to do our dancing. Mrs Hickford’s moves are not as good as Jackie’s, sheneeds to break out her dancing shoes.

After a quick sensory break we were off to music with Marilyn. Olivia got to take Nevaeh today. Nevaeh loves her session which included playing with her left and right hand together. WIth her right hand, fingers one and two, Nevaeh played some notes with Marilyn. Twinkle Twinkle featured as always, Kangaroo Kangaroo, Old Mac Donald and Wake up Charlie. We then introduced Hello Finger One and Hello Finger Two. Row Row featured along with Are You Sleeping. Nevaeh’s left hand played Ding, ding, dong.  We finished up with COloours of Sunshine.

Then it was offto RDA in a blue car… well that was a change. Nevaeh climbed in and out without assistance, great stuff Nevaeh! It is easier when the car is a bit lower. The new belt worked a treat allowing Nevaeh to concentrate. She held on to the front of the saddle for short lengths of time. Good girl.. I feel much happier knowing you are hanging on! Nevaeh showed a lot of interest in her right hand today, holding it up. She was wiggling her fingers independently in the sunshine. She also showed interest in a blue star that we gave her to distract her from hitting out.

Busy days

Last week Nevaeh completed her poetry activity with Olivia. She held her crayon and put pressure on the page to complete this wonderful art.

Nevaeh loves poetry, the rhythm and rhyme are great ways for her absorb new language.

Nevaeh is also working on sorting according to colour and developing fine motor skills with the posting activity that the OT has left for us at school. Her aides extend this sorting activity by counting the coins that Nevaeh successfully posts.

Nevaeh was funny today, she raced back to class on the way to music. Once she got in the door she as happy to Marilyn.  Toward the end of our time Nevaeh lead us in a ‘jam’ session . Marilyn played guitar, Mrs Hickford on the drum and Nevaeh starred on the keyboard.

Check out the link IMG_8780

Back again

It is so nice to see you back at school Nevaeh! We are setting up some new goals for you around participation and engagement. Wednesday saw you going off to the library with Tui. You lined up with the class and waited to go in with the class. You sat beautifully on the mat with Jackie. Well done. It’s nice to see you following the class expectations.  Although you had your headphones on we did need to play any music for you. You did a fantasitc job of just waiting. You were so happy to share the space with your friends.




Nevaeh is loving her RDA book. I think she thinks it is a picture of her on the horse. She goes through the book but then goes back to find the pictures she likes the best.



We have been mixing up your routine and you did really well spending time in Weka. You were a little grumpy that we are springing surprises on you, but quickly settled. It is good for you to be flexible and feel comfortable in a range of spaces. You are really getting the hang of lining up and are beginning to realise that it can mean something exciting is going to happen, even if yu are not sure about what.


During physio today Nevaeh was dancing with dolly. She was clearly enjoying her dance with Jackie and had lots to say. Click on the image below to see Nevaeh dancing.


Ahh… the joy of music. Nevaeh enjoyed her session with Marilyn. You are getting so much better at sharing with Marilyn. You rested your hand on hers while she played. We didn’t need to turn the keyboard off. Well done you.The you surprised us all by playing with both hands! Awesome work! It is lovely to see both sides of your body working together to make music.


Back at school

Welcome to Term 3, wow the year is going fast! Nevaeh has settled quickly back into her school routine and loves being here. It has been a bit challenging with the wet weather keeping us indoors, but today the sun is shining. There are new Go Noodle songs to dance to in class, we have had dancing with Jackie, counting, sorting colours, reading, music with Marliyn and now it is off to RDA. What a busy day Thursdays are turning out to be!

Shantytown 2023

First week back at school and Tui are off to Shantytown! Nevaeh loves these visits, especially the train ride. “All aboard!” the conductor calls.







This year Nevaeh took time to visit some of the other displays as well. In this image Nevaeh is looking at the old printing press that is located in one of many shop areas.









She took time to take in the view from the toilet


Nevaeh investigated the the old Singer sewing machine that was on display and took time to weigh herself on the large scales.


It looks like you had a fantastic fun on your Shantytown visit Neveah. I image you would have been a tired little girl when you got home after such a big day. Thank you Mrs Fearn for making this trip possible.


Our new Taskboard

After Andy’s visit we have been trialing a new taskboard with Nevaeh. She is matching the symbols with the symbols that have been placed on the board for each part of the day. The laminated symbols with the tasks she has to completing in the next block, Nevvaeh matches the symbols before undertaking the activity. Today Nevaeh was a little tired so we did hand over hand to match.

Another successful music lesson  followed. Today we had keyboard, xylophone, guitar and drum. We started with Row, Row, Row Your Boat before Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  Marilyn had her turn before Nevaeh copied. Nevaeh then used the xylophone  but once she saw the guitar in the case on the floor she was keen to explore. Marilyn played You are my Sunshine while Nevaeh kept time on the drum. Next was Count on Me.

It was beautiful to watch Nevaeh taking turns and waiting today. She was patient as Marilyn played the keyboard, understanding that her turn was coming. Awesome effort Nevaeh.


Fun day Thursdsay

Neveah has ahd a busy start to her Thursday. After particpating in Go Noodle in class we were off to the sensory room for more music and dancing to complete our physio exercises. Then there was counting and colours before a book with Jackie. She loved the Sing a Rainbow Song. We will need to make sure we have all the colours in the lyrics. We listened to Greedy Cat on the speaker, turning the pages when itw as the correct time. Good waiting, and listening Nevaeh.                                                         

Then there was a music lesson with our music teacher. Nevaeh enjoyed the piano, she played along with Marilyn. Marilyn played her some nursery rhymes and finger songs. We will work on Nevaeh taking turns, so she is listening to Marilyn play before she has her turn.

After our lesson it was into the car and off to RDA.

Another Winter’s Day

Brrr…. it is cool.  After greetings in the classroom Nevaeh went to dance in the sensory room. But uh, oh! The speaker was flat! There was audible frustration that sound was only coming from the phone.


After using the weighted blanket, she acquired this herself and sat still for 10 minutes before scooting to the door taking it with her, to sooth herself  she was content to do her physio. You are a clever girl Nevaeh, recognising items in the room that help you calm.

Follow this link to see Nevaeh in action.


Today there was no RDA. It was too cold and damp. So after a trip in the car Nevaeh came back to school and joined in the Korfball fun.

She loves Torston’s boom box! While others were eating Nevaeh went straight to the seat where it was sitting, she eyed it and wanted Jackie and I to turn it on for her. Torston likes songs with a strong beat and this appealed to Nevaeh. Once on Nevaeh closely monitored the blue tooth symbol.

All and all it was a good day in Nevaeh’s world, thank you for sharing with me.