Fun day Thursdsay

Neveah has ahd a busy start to her Thursday. After particpating in Go Noodle in class we were off to the sensory room for more music and dancing to complete our physio exercises. Then there was counting and colours before a book with Jackie. She loved the Sing a Rainbow Song. We will need to make sure we have all the colours in the lyrics. We listened to Greedy Cat on the speaker, turning the pages when itw as the correct time. Good waiting, and listening Nevaeh.                                                         

Then there was a music lesson with our music teacher. Nevaeh enjoyed the piano, she played along with Marilyn. Marilyn played her some nursery rhymes and finger songs. We will work on Nevaeh taking turns, so she is listening to Marilyn play before she has her turn.

After our lesson it was into the car and off to RDA.

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