What a happy little girl today. Nevaeh has enjoyed spending the day with Mrs Hickford. At mat time she is looking for her button to tell Mrs Fearn she is feeling good today. It would help if Mrs Hickford remembered to turn it on, but you showed lots of patience waiting.
There have been lots of music sessions. We have been over to play Pepeha on the school keyboard, we are getting good at this one, and some nursery rhymes.
In the class, we chose colours to draw to match our poem about a strutting peacock. Nevaeh is showing a preference for using red and yellow. These have also appeared in her painting today. Painting is helping to develop Nevaeh’s fine motor skills. She can grip the brush but needs support to put adequate pressure on the paper. She enjoys reaching to the top right of the paper, but can work in the middle and bottom areas without guidance. It would be interesting to see what would happen if we did this activity
to music.
After counting the bears we matched big and little, and colour matched. The session ended with Nevaeh tipping the container. She was happy to get down on the floor and pick up spilt items. This surprised her classmate who commented that she followed the instruction and was a good girl.