
Tui have been exploring the mixing of primary colours. They have been mixing primary colours on the paper to develop their skills before attempting their final artwork. Nevaeh fully engaged in painting. She gripped the paintbrush, with Olivia’s help. Then Nevaeh dipped the brush in the wet paint before she placed the brush on the paper. Nevaeh was all smiles.

Painting is an extension of all the wonderful work that Nevaeh has been doing in poetry. It is exciting Nevaeh can sustain her concentration and participation in this activity. She is developing, and refining her fine motor skills. In response to Nevaeh’s interest, we will add painting to her kete.

Awesome effort Nevaeh



The Joy of Music

Nevaeh has enjoyed her first music session after two weeks away. She was very responsive to Pepeha, by Six 60. Nevaeh loved the rhythmic flow. Here she is being guided by Marilyn. This was followed by a riotous version of Row Row. She was very excited. In her improvisation session, Nevaeh is showing us more and more that she can move her fingers independently, hitting a single note. She is also playing cluster notes and skip notes. Nevaeh is turning into quite the musician.

Happy Thursday

Thursday must have been the best day ever for Nevaeh. It had been three weeks since her last music lesson and riding. Nevaeh did beautiful finger notes that Marilyn echoed in a higher key. She confidently used just one finger to hit the keys and can move between keys with one finger. Row, Row and You Are My Sunshine are her favourite tunes. For improvisation, she loves exploring the keyboard using various keys with fast lively rhythms.

All of Nevaeh’s hard work is paying off. Her interactions with the iPad are controlled. She is making more deliberate taps and these are directed. Nevaeh can at times engage with her IPad without using her headphones. This is pleasing as it means that Nevaeh can engage more in the class environment.

A couple of hours later we loaded up the car with our riding gear and it was off to RDA. We had a change of mounts. Nevaeh was on Lexi this week. Lexi’s wider girth meant that Nevaeh was sitting taller. She was more planted in the saddle, less likely to move from side to side. A wide smile spread across her face. It took a little time to settle her excitement. It is lovely having Alex as part of the support team at RDA.

It is great to be back at school!

A new favourite

Playtime music is just the best! Nevaeh can often be seen on the court. On a recent sunny day, Nevaeh was interested in her shadow. She watched as she moved her body, raising her right hand and looking at the shadow changing. This indicates that Nevaeh’s awareness of herself and how her body moves is growing.  Watch Nevaeh in action hereIMG_0354


Nevaeh was picking up items from the court and bringing them to her face for closer inspection. She is aware of her surroundings and new objects in the space. Her curiosity about her environment is growing, and she is aware of any change in her surroundings.

Fun Day Friday

It is wet, wet, wet. So, no opportunity to go outside and play today.

After  the morning Go Noodle it was poetry time. Nevaeh helped Olivia do a wonderful picture in blue. The poem today was The Robot. Nevaeh chose her own colours and

guided them on the page. She is loving her new crayons.

It was then off to the sensory room to complete some fine motor skills activities.





We went for a visit to the library in town and then wandered around the shops after morning tea. Nevaeh chose two Hairy Maclary books to read with Olivia. It was the first time she had chosen to sit in the round chairs in the middle of the space. There were two more books before heading out for a walk. She was really engaged in listening to the stories. We spent half an hour there.

We walked around the block. Halfway around the block Mrs Hickford’s phone started to ring. It was Ann letting us know that Courtney had arrived.

So it was a quick walk back to the car before heading back to school. It is awesome to see you getting yourself into the car, with little assistance. You have had a great day and it is not yet ended as we are going to play some music before we go home.

A Thursday Surprise!

It was a great start to the morning with Nevaeh sitting on the mat waiting for her name on the roll. We used the button to say good morning to Mrs Fearn. ‘Go Noodle” is a great way to start the day with ‘Pop See Ko’. The black shadows on the screen had Nevaeh up close and engaged.

Our next stop was the sensory room for a story. Nevaeh chose Hairy Mcleary’s Bone. She turned the pages beautifully, waiting for the last line before reaching for the book. We timed our walk to music perfectly. We met Evelyn at the door. It was a special treat to have Julie Wylie join us for our session. To calm before RDA, we went for a walk in the playground. After packing the car we were off.

We parked at the lower level of RDA and walked up the hill. Nevaeh was less than patient when we had to wait for another horse to be saddled up. So off for another walk until Sue was ready for us to mount up.

You showed us you wanted to trot today by bouncing in the saddle. The smaller saddle meant you sat up tall. As we walked to Prossers Bush you reached out for the branches on the right side of the track. Lucy, the horse, came so close to the trees Mrs Hickford was worried you were going to get bumped off. We had a trot on the grass and some quick walking in the arena before giving Lucy a nice pat after dismounting.


New Talker and Music with Marilyn

At school, we are trailing a new talking device to support Nevaeh with her communication. To support Nevaeh we are working on positional language: above, below, left right. Soon we will get some guide bumps attached to the device allowing Nevaeh to orientate herself.

Nevaeh loves the colour and is quick to look for it in her equipment.


With Marilyn she played Twinkle Twinkle, and Row Row Row Your Boat. Nevaeh echoed Are You Sleeping? Nevaeh played Chopsticks with two hands before Marilyn copied her playing. Nevaeh played one finger on the black keys and waited for Marilyn to echo her. She kept repeating her melody.

A busy day

We took advantage of a fine sunny day and packed in a lot of outside activities. During our morning routine, we joined the class sitting on the mat, and then there was our daily Go Noodle. Nevaeh had a dance, and then we made our way over to music with Marilyn.

Nevaeh spread the fingers on her left hand. She attempted to touch just one key with her left thumb. At times we heard a lovely rendition of ‘Chopsticks”. This is a new tune from Nevaeh, I wonder where you heard this before.

After music we enjoyed the sunshine, bouncing on the new half-court and chasing our shadows. Our interest was then caught by the men working, cleaning up the trees, on the grass. The vehicles needed to be inspected, especially the white ute.

It was then back to the sensory room for some sorting and investigating objects above, below, left and right of an object that does not move. We are working on this to help Nevaeh navigate her Talker.

Next, it was off to RDA. Today we rode Lucy. Lucy wasn’t in a good mood. Lucy kept stopping, and would not move forward when we told her to move on. It was a lovely walk through Prossers Bush. Sam joined us and helped us with mounting and dismounting, by observing Nevaeh’s behaviour on the horse. Nevaeh did a great job of holding the front of the saddle during our walk in the bush. At times, she reached for the tree. We will need to keep our eyes peeled.

Getting into routine

We are off to a flying start. Nevaeh enjoyed her first music lesson of the year. It is like she has never been away. The smile on her face says it all. Nevaeh is using both hands on the keyboard. She is holding her left hand like a true pianist. This is Nevaeh working independently with the support of her wonderful music teacher. Ka pai Nevaeh, it is great to see others nurturing your love of music.


Listen here to our clever girl.


Nevaeh played of her own accord last week. She used fingers two and three on her right hand. It is a joy to hear the notes so clear and strong. What a star!.

Marilyn was treated to a sustained period of playing on the black keys, using finger two. She echoed what Nevaeh played higher up the scale. Nevaeh had a big smile so she obviously enjoyed it. It was pleasing to see such sustained focus. Her repertoire includes   Row, Row, Row Your Boat,  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, This Old Man and You Are My Sunshine.

We are looking forward to Nevaeh’s concert performance this week.