Thursday must have been the best day ever for Nevaeh. It had been three weeks since her last music lesson and riding. Nevaeh did beautiful finger notes that Marilyn echoed in a higher key. She confidently used just one finger to hit the keys and can move between keys with one finger. Row, Row and You Are My Sunshine are her favourite tunes. For improvisation, she loves exploring the keyboard using various keys with fast lively rhythms.
All of Nevaeh’s hard work is paying off. Her interactions with the iPad are controlled. She is making more deliberate taps and these are directed. Nevaeh can at times engage with her IPad without using her headphones. This is pleasing as it means that Nevaeh can engage more in the class environment.
A couple of hours later we loaded up the car with our riding gear and it was off to RDA. We had a change of mounts. Nevaeh was on Lexi this week. Lexi’s wider girth meant that Nevaeh was sitting taller. She was more planted in the saddle, less likely to move from side to side. A wide smile spread across her face. It took a little time to settle her excitement. It is lovely having Alex as part of the support team at RDA.
It is great to be back at school!