Year: 2023


Nevaeh played of her own accord last week. She used fingers two and three on her right hand. It is a joy to hear the notes so clear and strong. What a star!.

Marilyn was treated to a sustained period of playing on the black keys, using finger two. She echoed what Nevaeh played higher up the scale. Nevaeh had a big smile so she obviously enjoyed it. It was pleasing to see such sustained focus. Her repertoire includes   Row, Row, Row Your Boat,  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, This Old Man and You Are My Sunshine.

We are looking forward to Nevaeh’s concert performance this week.


Shantytown trip

Tuesday the 5th of December was Ruma Tuis visit to Shantytown. Nevaeh was super excited to travel up with Jackie and Olivia to meet Mrs Fern and the rest of Tui at Shantytown. This trip we decided to explore some of the areas we hadn’t made it to on the last visit. We explored through the hospital building, Chinatown, a jail and lots more. The highlight was riding the train, Nevaeh absolutely loves going on the train, and sits down so good, waiting for everyone to board and settle. This trip Nevaeh was even willing to dress up, she wore a lovely white pinafore and a bonnet she really enjoyed wearing it and would seek help if the bonnet wasn’t sitting correct. Nevaeh was very curious of the wee huts in Chinatown, looking around and feeling along the walls. We look forward to another visit next year.

Music session with Marilyn

As well as practising our concert pieces Nevaeh joined in a duet with Marilyn. She showed a great deal of interest in the sound coming from the guitar, then joined in on the piano. I loved the way you are hitting the key accurately playing one note at at time, it is beautiful to see. There was lots on single note sounds today, some guided by Marilyn but others you have done yourself.  Your have such lovely pressure when you play, the notes are clear and you are using a  gentle touch on the keyboard to get the sound out.

Boogey at Assembly

Last weeks’ assembly included a class item by Tui. The class had decided to perform one of the Go Noodle dances they do in the morning. Nevaeh joined her class making her contribution. She has enjoyed the practices immensely, now it was time for Tui to shine. The girls broke out all the sparkly outfits, Nevaeh wore her sparkly tights.

Check out the video :

A Busy Week at School

On Tuesday Andy, the speech and Language therapist came. After showing Andy all the cool things I could do on ‘Go Talk’, Andy gave me some Matchbox cars to play with. Cars are my favourite thing. There was a dump truck, and orange, blue and purple cars. I was so busy with them I wasn’t keen to give them back. Andy was kind enough to leave them for me to play with.

My teacher aides are working on me learning left and right. Andy was kind enough to suggest that you touch my left or right shoulder to help me remember. with the shapes in my learning time I am learning above and below. This will help me access the words I want on the ‘Go Talk’.

Fun day Thursday rolled around. We had an early music lesson Marilyn. I impressed her with using my second and third finger independently. The notes I can play are much sharper because I am only putting one finger on them.  I am am creating my own music. I have linked a video for you to watch.

Link to Video IMG_9009                                   Link to VideoIMG_9005







At RDA I had the opportunity to ride Lucy. My lead was helpful by telling me which way Lucy was going to turn. When Lucy stopped they encouraged me to tap my feet on Lucy’s side to make her move. When she didn’t, I said clearly “Go Lucy”. We went for a walk in Prossers Bush. I love the shadow’s created by the trees in the bush. We met a lady walking her black and white dog and I heard a Tui singing in the trees. I got to two short trots one before going into the bush the next when we exited. Lucy pushed in front of London and went up the hill back to the stables. The sun was shining and I had the best time. Sue helped me dismount lifting my leg back over the saddle. IMG_9

Term 4 Weeks 1-5

Term 4 has seen some wonderful learning and participation from Nevaeh. We have continued to work with the GoTalk and are using it in class and in the sensory room, modeling the communication that we are getting Nevaeh to use. We have enjoyed the resources from Blenz the books are always a favorite of Nevaehs and also a good thing to use the timer and the GoTalk alongside. Colors, counting and shapes are practiced each day and helped with the Blenz resources aswell. Nevaeh has. Each morning everone looks forward to the Go Noodle to start the day in Tui, and it’s definitely a highlight of Nevaeh’s day, she loves to be up the front at the TV, always a big smile and helps to start the day off happy. We have also been lucky to have a loan Ipad and have been using some new apps, which have been alot of fun, we have joined the class on Dojo Island and some new books.

Happy Days

The weather is miserable but Nevaeh is delightful. She is showing off her new skills. Marilyn loves the way that Nevaeh puts her hand on top of Marilyns wrist when it is ‘Marilyn’s turn’ on the keyboard. Nevaeh loved the way Marilyn could change the sound of keyboard to horns or strings. Nevaeh is at times using her second finger to play the notes one at a time. Awesome effort Nevaeh. She has really missed her music lesson this week, but Jackie took her over for her little fix. I am sure she will be remembering all her newly aquired skills for next week.



Playing with cause and affect tools Nevaeh is engaged witht he litle blue car mounted on a spring in the clear perspects box. She spent a good three minutes observing how it bounced when she moved it. Great noticing Nevaeh.


Wow you are awesome

Today was a different kind of Thursday. Soon we were lining up outside Kereru, what was going to happen? As we entered Nevaeh could see the class had been transformed! As soon as the music started the ear protection came off. What a blast! Kokatahi had joined us for a perfomance of the ‘The Grumpiest Child in the World’. Nevaeh was transported into a whole new world for an hour. She sat for the entire performance, tapping her feet, laughing at the jokes, roaring like a lion.

IMG_9808    Video Link

It was  lovely to see her engaging in the performance for an extended amount of time and being part of the wider school community. You are awesome and it was lovely to see you engaged and truely enjoying yourself Nevaeh.

Then after a very quick break it was off to RDA. It seems like since forever since you have seen Lucy. However you remembered all your riding skills. After a walk around the arena getting up close and personal with a small rubber duckie, it was off to Prossers Bush. A quick canter across the grass haad a big smile on your face and you were in your happy place.  Being under the trees was a great way to avoid the rain shower that came just as we were entering the bush. Ollie was in the lead and we foolwed with others behind him. We meet a dog walker on the track and had to keep our feet in as some of the gaps between the trees were quite narrow.

On arrival back at school Nevaeh wanted to find the performers again. She went back to Piwakawaka, walking through the classroom and then went back to Kereru just to make sure our visitors were not there. You have a great memory Nevaeh.

Thank you for sharing your day with me Nevaeh, I had a blast!


Harold Visited!

Nevaeh had a super exciting visit with her class to see Harold. Kelly, Harold’s teacher, left the star lights on for us today. It was super calm and Nevaeh lasted the whole sessioin with out headphones, or music. It is great to see Nevaeh participating with her class in school curriculum without adaptation. At the end of the session Nevaeh got a special pat with Harold, and Harold got a pinch on the nose .


Marilyn, Jackie and Nevaeh had a wonderful music session. Nevaeh was playing tunes independently with Marilyn’ guidance as to where to start. Your musical ability is boundless Nevaeh. We will need to ask Jackie if she has a video we can post to show off how clever you are.


On Wednesday Jackie, Sam and Nevaeh went to the library. Nevaeh got the opportunity to listen to stories in a different environment. It is great that Nevaeh is showing us how adaptable she, travelling to familiar places with different people, and familiar people taking her to different spaces.

When Andy asked Nevaeh if she wanted to go to the library on Tuesday Nevaeh used her Go Talk to answer no. It was a very purposeful ‘no’ because she had to search for the symbol on the Go Talk pad.

You surprise us every day Nevaeh with the wonderful things that you can show us you understand.

A rainy day

Well it is so wet today, literally raining cats and dogs! Nevaeh spent the first part of the day in the classroom doing Go Noodle. We are trailing her speech board and using her ‘Go Talk’ communication device.

There was Rock- a- bye Bear with the Wiggles, Greedy Cat from You Tube and lots of looking in the mirror. Nevaeh has been playing with her plait, lifting it up in her hand and placing in over her face. Our other success is that Nevaeh is lifting her left hand independently of her right. She started this when playing the keyboard, it was noticed again last week at RDA where she placed her left hand on the front of the saddle, and then today she was watching herself in the mirror and lifted her arm up to see.

Needless to say that when we went to record that auspicious moment Nevaeh wouldn’t repeat the action. Oh well, next time.


We are having success today using the talk board and “Go Talk” communication device. Using the device Nevaeh asked to go to the classroom. Yay!! We are making links between the pictures and Nevaeh communicating her needs. Awesome effort Nevaeh. While this is only a trail we will keep challenging Nevaeh to use her voice and express her needs and desires.